Achieving Excellence Together Rhagori Gyda'n Gilydd

Digital Learning - Dysgu Digidol

Digital Learning Lead: Mr Dylan Davies 


What is Digital Learning?

The Welsh Assembly Government introduced the Digital Competence Framework in 2016 for schools to begin familiarising themselves with this framework and start to develop strategies on how they can embed digital learning into the curriculum.

Please click here to watch a brief animation explaining the Digital Competence Framework.

About digital competence

Digital competence is the set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. It is essential for learners if they are to be informed, capable and have the potential to be successful in today’s society. Digital competence should not be confused with information and communication technology (ICT). Digital competence is one of three cross-curricular responsibilities, alongside literacy and numeracy; it focuses on developing digital skills which can be applied to a wide range of subjects and scenarios that are transferrable to the world of work. However, it is not intended that digital competence should be artificially imposed into all subject areas. The DCF therefore includes examples of classroom task ideas that can be used to develop skills in naturally occurring, meaningful ways.

 There are four strands of the Digital Competency Framework:


Interacting and Collaborating


Data and Computational Thinking

  • Identity, image and reputation
  • Health and well-being
  • Digital rights licensing and ownership
  • Online behaviour and cyberbullying
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Storing and sharing
  • Planning, sourcing and searching
  • Creating
  • Evaluating and improving
  • Problem solving and modelling 
  • Data and information literacy

So what are we doing for digital learning at Haverfordwest High VC School?

We have a group of Digital Leaders made up of pupils in different year groups who will lead on E-Safety and support subjects in school.

We will be constantly supporting staff, pupils and the community with Digital Learning.  E Safety is a priority and will form a large part of what we do.

We are committed to ensuring this priority is successfully embedded in all Areas of Learning so we can equip our students with the skills they need to thrive in this digital world.