Achieving Excellence Together Rhagori Gyda'n Gilydd

Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification - Bagloriaeth Cymru

Leader of Learning Skills Challenge Certificate KS4: Miss Mollie Hughes

Leader of Learning Skills Challenge Certificate KS5Ms Laura Buffee


The central focus of the Welsh Baccalaureate at Key Stage 4 is to provide a vehicle for 14-16 year olds to consolidate and develop essential and employability skills.

The qualification helps learners to prepare for their future by developing skills, attributes and behaviours valued by post-16 educators and potential employers. The emphasis in the Welsh Baccalaureate is on applied learning i.e. acquiring and applying a range of transferable skills. Learners will develop skills in the context of purposeful tasks and appropriate knowledge and understanding.

The Welsh Baccalaureate will encourage the learners to value skills development as a key aspect of education and life-long learning. Offering a learning experience relevant to the needs and demands of the workplace will develop learners’ confidence, drive and initiative, preparing them to enter, succeed and progress in the world of work.

The Welsh Baccalaureate is based on a Skills Challenge Certificate alongside Supporting Qualifications. The requirements of both the Skills Challenge Certificate and Supporting Qualifications must be met in order to achieve the overarching Welsh Baccalaureate. 


Through the Welsh Baccalaureate learners will raise their skill levels and confidence, enabling and empowering them to take their places as responsible and active citizens in a diverse society.

Alongside, and through the development of skills, the Welsh Baccalaureate provides learners with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of society, the community in which they live, and an awareness of global issues, events and perspectives. 

The central focus of the Welsh Baccalaureate at Advanced level is to provide a vehicle for Year 12 and 13 pupils (our level 3 learners) to consolidate and progress the development of essential and employability skills. Building on their achievements at GCSE (level 2), the qualification will help learners develop more complex skills, attributes and behaviours. It will provide experiences which will enable learners to be better prepared for their future destination, whether university, further training or employment.