Achieving Excellence Together Rhagori Gyda'n Gilydd

Essential Information -

Gwybodaeth Allweddol

Being fully prepared for school is an essential part of successful learning on a day to day basis.

We ask that parents and carers make sure that all children come to school ready to learn.

School Equipment

Students must have the following items in their school bags:

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • Ruler
  • Calculator and mathematical equipment
  • Highlighters
  • Coloured pencils
  • Pupil Planner
  • PE Kit (on required days)

Students are advised not to bring to school items over the value of £10. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any such items. If you are experiencing financial difficulties in relation to purchasing the basic school equipment, please contact your son's/daughter's Achievement Leader. Email contact details can be found on The Wellbeing Team page.

School Uniform

Main Uniform

The new uniform is compulsory for those new to the school in September ( new year 7, year 8, and any other pupils new to the school) ONLY

6th Form students have a purple tie with black stripe and 6 logo.

All students must adhere to the regulations listed below regarding the standard of uniform worn.  For assistance with School Uniform Grants, please consult the following documents:

General Regulations

The following uniform  guidelines apply to all students. 

  • Trousers must be standard fit, black traditional tailored trousers – slim/skinny fit or trousers which expose the ankles are unacceptable;
  • Stretch material, visible zipped pockets, chino, cord, brushed cotton, jeggings, leggings, joggers, denim jeans or “jeans type” trousers are not allowed under any circumstances;
  • Skirts worn must only be the regulation, knee length, embroidered school skirt purchased via the school – no other skirts are acceptable and these must not be modified in any way;
  • Shorts - can be worn after May Half-Term - must be traditional, tailored, trouser material and knee length.
  • Stretch material, visible zipped pockets, cord, brushed cotton, denim or “jeans type” shorts are not allowed under any circumstances;
  • Shoes should be plain black and polishable. They must not include any visible logo and must be flat with no heel. Canvas trainers/shoes are not acceptable other than in Physical Education lessons;
  • The school blazer is a compulsory item which must be brought to school every day;
  • Hoodies and sweatshirts of any type must not be worn to school at any time;
  • A plain black coat, preferably waterproof, may be worn over the blazer;
  • Jewellery, apart from a watch and a pair of single stud earrings, is not permitted and makeup must be discreet;
  • Facial piercings are not allowed. These will be confiscated and the hole may heal so we advise against piercings being done during the school term;
  • Hair colour must be of a natural colour and extreme hairstyles are not allowed;
  • Make-up should not be noticeably visible. Excessive or gaudy make-up is not suitable in school – pupils will be required to remove this immediately before returning to class;
  • Nails should be of a natural colour and nail extensions are not allowed.

The Headteacher and Chair of Governors reserve the right to use their judgement for

all aspects of the uniform policy.

Please consult the HHVCS School Uniform Policy in the Our Policies section for detailed images of what is or isn't accepted in relation to our expected uniform standards.

PE Kit

PE Kit

Compulsory items

HHVCS Sport T shirt

HHVCS rugby shirt (if playing rugby)

Black shorts

Black rugby shorts/socks


Optional items:

Black leggings

HHVCS showerproof Training Smock



*These items are available from Toppers Embroidery & Print.
**There is also an expectation that during colder weather pupils will need to wear either an underlayer top with the school t-shirt on top or pupils wear the school ¼ zip sweat

All other items can be purchased from any major retailer and must be plain black.  


PE Kit Supplier

How to purchase uniform:

Year 6 School Uniform Shop Policy & Procedures - Summer 2024

school uniform shop policy procedures 2024.pdf

Pupil Absence

If your son or daughter is going to be absent from school due to sudden illness, parents/carers need to ring the pupil absence line to inform the attendance officer of the reason for this absence. If a phone call isn’t received, this is classed as an unauthorised absence.

In the case of a pre-existing medical appointment, a copy of the appointment letter can be brought to school in advance of the absence and shown to the attendance officer.

The parents/carers of all pupils who are absent from school without prior knowledge will be contacted by the Attendance Officer. Unexplained, unauthorised absences are a cause for concern and will be followed up in accordance with the Attendance Policy.

Please consult the Attendance page for further information on the importance of regular school attendance and our procedures for dealing with absences.


Transport Timetable


haverfordwest high vc school transport arrangements jan 2021.pdf


Traffic Management Guidance


traffic management guidance.pdf